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Famous Communicators

There are many famous people that have communicated well in the three different subjects and they have done that in many different ways, here are some examples of people in the three subject areas (Mathematics, History and Geography).

Jules Henri Poincare – Mathematics

Jules Henri Poincare was a very famous mathematician who was in the fields of physics and celestial mechanics.  He was very famous because he came up with the Poincare conjecture and the chaos theory; these were two very big parts of mathematics.  Jules published 6 books all to do with different aspects of mathematics; these books weren’t that popular since not many people were interested in mathematics at that time.  This made it hard for him to communicate new methods and theories to people.  To get over this problem he started to publish more books to do with more topics, which included:

-         Algebraic topology

-         The theory of analytic functions of several complex variables

-         The theory of abelian functions

-         Algebraic geometry

-         Poincaré was responsible for formulating one of the most famous problems in mathematics. Known as the Poincaré conjecture, it is a problem in topology.

-         Poincaré recurrence theorem

-         Hyperbolic geometry

-         Number theory

-         The three-body problem

-         The theory of Diophantine equations

-         The theory of electromagnetism

-         The special theory of relativity

He thought by writing a bigger variety it would be easier to get more people to read some of his books.


I think that Jules Poincare was an ok communicator and his ways of communicating weren’t that strong.  I thought if you’re going to publish a book on mathematics then you also need to add something that will catch people’s attention.  e.g. there was a recent author who published a book called “Mathematics and Sex”, this I thought was a very smart title to produce because it included Maths and an interesting topic that would grab people’s attention.

Thomas Griffith Taylor - Geography

Thomas Griffith Taylor was a very famous communicator of Geography that not that many people liked.  Not many people liked him because of one particular paper that he wrote about climate change and it was considered a very controversial article.  He had produced this article after an expedition to Antarctica. 

This wasn’t the only paper he produced, he wrote 20 books and also over 200 papers which were mostly about climate change and the land formations around the world.


I think that Thomas Griffith Taylor was a very good communicator because he didn’t just make things up, he spent quite a while researching and getting the right facts and I think that’s why his papers were very controversial.  He was also a good communicator because he produced a lot of books and papers all to do with different things which means he was a hard working person trying to give the public information on our world.

Homer - History

Homer was a very famous Greek who was considered as a historical individual and a role model for lots of people.  He was a very interesting person because there were thoughts that Homer wasn’t his real name, but just a constructed name to put on his poems and books.  Homer was more of a poet who wrote great poems, odysseys and hymns.  Homer was such a good person that there are different courses and studies about him that are still running today.


I think that Homer as a communicator was very good for many reasons, first of all his poems were obviously very good because he was considered as a great historic individual.  Also he was someone that wrote lots of poems and hymn, he did not necessarily publish them in books but was well known for all of them.

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