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Symbols as a Form of Communication

What is a Symbol?

A symbol is an object used for or regarded as representing something that is often something immaterial e.g. an emblem, token or sign.  Different types of symbols are used for different purposes such as:

- Symbols on a map are used to show where different things are at different places

- Symbols are used on different signs to show different actions or things to do e.g. A sign with a big stop symbol on it means to stop

- Symbols are used to advertise different products e.g. symbols are used on food products to advertise different information.

Symbols as a form of communication

Symbols I think are a very good way to communicate because they can be used to show many different things such as dangers, where things are and what things are used for.  I chose to talk about symbols because it is the most common way of communication between the three subject areas (Mathematics, History and Geography). 


Use of Symbols in the Three Subject Areas


Symbols in Mathematics

Symbols are used a lot in maths and they are very effective because of many reasons, these are:

- Numbers are symbols in maths and they are the basis of maths

- Symbols are used to change numbers in mathematics e.g. a plus symbol communicates to the person that those two numbers need to be added together

- Different symbols are used to make certain things happen first e.g. brackets are a symbol that tell you to do that part of the question first


Symbols in Geography

Symbols are used heaps in Geography

- Geography uses a lot of symbols especially when using a map

- All maps should contain a key or legend, this should contain different symbols that will tell you what things are on the map.

- Symbols are not only used in maps, but also when looking at different terrains e.g. different colours (symbols) represent different heights and depths


Symbols in History

Symbols are used heaps in History

- Symbols are used in timelines e.g. to show different points along the timeline

- Symbols were apart of history e.g. 1000’s of years ago we had famous tribes who didn’t communicate by speaking, but communicated by using symbols and writing on cave walls

- The ancient Romans used symbols to represent different numbers, they also had different base numbers


I think that these reasons are the main reasons that Symbols as a form of communication are a lot more effective than other forms that people use in Mathematics, History and Geography


These are the different ways that symbols are used in the three subject areas, but you might wonder if these symbols are actually reliable, I think they are because:

-         These symbols aren’t very complicated but they are very effective and simple

- Symbols are normally easy to understand and they are very short instead of trying to read or listen to something that is very long they can put it as a symbol

- Symbols are more effective than other ways of communication e.g. written and verbal communication


How are symbols a more effective way of communication compared to other methods?

I think that symbols are a lot more effective than other methods for three main reasons:

1) Symbols are very plain and clear and don’t really need to be explained to someone

2) Symbols don’t need to be prepared and don’t cost a lot of money unlike technology as a form of communication

3) Symbols are very useful for simplifying things e.g. instead of saying yes to someone you can put your thumbs up to someone which communicates to them the same message


Just because the points that I have said are all positive doesn’t mean that this form of communication is all good.  If we refer back to that quote “Communicating ideas effectively is hard” then you will see that every form of communication has its downsides, for symbols they are:

- Symbols can be misinterpreted easily because some symbols can have little changes to each one making it confusing to tell one from the other

- There are a lot of symbols in the world that are used for languages, but because there are so many, people might not know them all and get confused

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