1st Question "What is in Year 7?"
- ⋯ This considers all things relating to teaching Year 7 at Penrith High.
2nd Response "Theory of science"
- ⋯ Science has now a distinct role in Western Society.
If something is scientifically proven, this means something more.
2nd Question "What is the history of Science"
1st Response "Historical Development"
1st Question "includes"
1st Response "Ancient Wonder"
- ⋯ Understanding concepts of time (past, present, future) and
a theory of mind (ability to deceive) lead to an understanding of
MOTIVATION as social and natural currency.
2nd Question "Hipparchus the Starman"
- ⋯ Plotted and calculated the position of stars.
Using really ancient star charts infers stars were moving.
This General Relativity effect was explained by Einstein.
1st Response "Euclid"
- ⋯ Euclid 300 BC rigors mathematics