⋯ is held during Brain Awareness Week. Students study the book Neuroscience: Science of the Brain. An Introduction for Young Students by The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) and European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB). They then complete an on-line quiz in their schools under exam conditions to determine their knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of the brain 14 - 20 March 2016
1st Question "What to study?"
1st Response "Electronic Book"
1st Question "Contents"
3rd Response "Chemical Messengers"
1st Question "What happens after axon"
⋯ Action potentials are transmitted along axons to specialised regions called synapses, where the axons contact the dendrites of other neurons. These consist of a presynaptic nerve ending, separated by a small gap from the postsynaptic component which is often located on a dendritic spine. The electrical currents responsible for the propagation of the action potential along axons cannot bridge the synaptic gap. Transmission across this gap is accomplished by chemical messengers called neurotransmitters
2nd Response "Action Potential releases Ca++ that releases Enzymes"
1st Question "What is the process?"
Step (6 of 10): "The neurotransmitters simulate RECEPTORs in the dendrites"