1st Question "What is Brain Bee"
1st Response "It is a staged competition"
1st Question "What are the stages?"
1st Response "Online Quiz"
- ⋯   is held during Brain Awareness Week. Students study the book Neuroscience: Science of the
Brain. An Introduction for Young Students by The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) and
European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB). They then complete an on-line quiz in their
schools under exam conditions to determine their knowledge and understanding of the
structure and function of the brain 14 - 20 March 2016
1st Question "What to study?"
1st Response "Electronic Book"
1st Question "Contents"
2nd Response "Neurons and Action Potential"
4th Question "Parts of Neuron"
6th Response "Axons"
2nd Question "What else is required"
2nd Response "Gaps speed transmision"
- ⋯   every so often the
glial cells helpfully leave a little gap. Here the axon
concentrates its Na +and K+
ion channels. These clusters of
ion channels function as amplifiers that boost and maintain
the action potential as it literally skips along the nerve.
This can be very fast. In fact, in myelinated neurons,
action-potentials can race along at 100 metres per second!