1st Question "What is Brain Bee"
1st Response "It is a staged competition"
1st Question "What are the stages?"
1st Response "Online Quiz"
- ⋯   is held during Brain Awareness Week. Students study the book Neuroscience: Science of the
Brain. An Introduction for Young Students by The British Neuroscience Association (BNA) and
European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB). They then complete an on-line quiz in their
schools under exam conditions to determine their knowledge and understanding of the
structure and function of the brain 14 - 20 March 2016
1st Question "What to study?"
1st Response "Electronic Book"
1st Question "Contents"
2nd Response "Neurons and Action Potential"
4th Question "Parts of Neuron"
6th Response "Axons"
1st Question "How do axons transmit their signal"
Step (3 of 3):  "signal stimulates the next segment of axon"
- ⋯   So a neuron is kind of miniature calculator - constantly
adding and subtracting. What it adds and subtracts are the
messages it receives from other neurons. Some
synapses produce excitation, others inhibition. How these
signals constitute the basis of sensation, thought and
movement depends very much on the network in which the
neurons are embedded.